Bela Balog began publishing his digital fine art works last year.
He has worked at home for several years, experimenting, learning new digital techniques.
Already this year, he has received a Featured Artist rating from ArtGallery.co.uk and has sold his work to art lovers in several countries.

One of the first critiques can be read about Bela Balog’s Illusions digital art series
There is a strong visual language throughout the whole series that allows these pieces to be read as a time line. Within each individual work there are multiple scenes layered into each other and showcase a passage of time that is expanded upon as we look throughout the entire series. Each piece feels like we are looking around an environment that is active and lively. When looked at together, we begin to see a more complete experience of life from the views inside and outside an environment. Interestingly a lot of the architectural elements are very reminiscent of work of deconstructivism and futurism. These create a sense of chaotic structure increasing the works dynamism. What also brings the audience into deciphering these images are the recognizable silhouettes of figures seen in “Houses on the Hill” and “Fences”, as well as the cups within “View from my living room” and “Street”. Considering the previous works seen from the artist the distinctions made between how photos and images are transformed could provide more insight on these processes. There is a lot of room for these works to expand, not just with quantity, but also scale. As of now they seem confined to square canvases, but how might these works further transform if they weren’t limited to a specific scale or shape?
Nadia Lezcano
Art Critic

Another critique about Bela Balog’s Moments of Women digital art series
Overall, as a whole, the photos themselves garner quite a bit of interest with their gesture and gaze. I do question what choices were made with the alterations and transformations of the photos to add any significance. There are times where the textures within the work are more interesting than the work itself, but the same edits have been made to all the photos within this series. This texture really shows itself within the works “Flirt”, “Laughing”, and “Waiting. All three pieces have great linework and contrast on the subjects allowing our eyes to flit aroundthe features on these women. As individual pieces, “Flirt” and “Glance” have the most amount of empty space around the women where the gray physically sits atop them, this has definitely allowed the line work within the figures to shine through. There is something interesting happening which can be seen especially within “Eyes”, where the overblown exposure of the works flattens the images while the intricate linework created redevelops a sense of depth. These works feel like they are on the verge of a discovery to complete a thought but have yet to find the exact language to express what the artist wanted.
Nadia Lezcano
Art Critic

The works of Bela Balog can be seen